👋 welcome to my blog :)

I do little code sprints and personal challenges for the joy of the making things

2023 Goal: one open source project completed per week


I made this blog with a cool static site generator called bearclaw, try it out!

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about this site
name: @donuts-are-good blog
bio: this is my blog about my programming adventures and misadventures
url: https://donuts-are-good.com
license: MIT License

author information
name: @donuts-are-good
bio: hello :) i like programming things! join me in 2023 as I push one open source project per week, sometimes more, sometimes less, but always doing it for fun. open source projects and maintainers may reach out for help or consult, no cost. i don't have social media, post an issue somewhere or ask someone, i'll see it
author links:
👉 https://github.com/donuts-are-good/